
Net Zero Mobilisation report: How to make net zero happen

Launched in 2021, the Net Zero Australia study aims to provide rigorous and independent analysis of how Australia can achieve net zero emissions for both our domestic and export economies.

Net Zero Australia is a partnership between the University of Melbourne, the University of Queensland, Princeton University and international management consultancy Nous Group. Net Zero Australia uses the modelling method developed by Princeton University and Evolved Energy Research for its 2020 Net-Zero America study.

The Mobilisation report: How to make net zero happen was released publicly on Wednesday 12 July 2023. The report builds upon the study’s final modelling results which projected the energy mix, costs and other parameters for six net zero scenarios. It explores what governments, business and households should do to accelerate towards net zero, tackling questions such as:

  • Which net-zero options should we accelerate? Onshore wind and solar are well underway; should we also support offshore wind, carbon capture and storage, and nuclear? How?
  • What role in global decarbonisation do we want to play? How can we phase out fossil fuel exports while building exports of clean hydrogen and minerals, often to the same customers?
  • How should we share net zero’s costs and benefits among Australians? Net zero will increase costs for all energy consumers and affect different groups differently. How do we minimise these impacts and share benefits with all Australians fairly?
  • How can we roll out renewables while improving the environment? Renewables and networks will change landscapes and clear land. How can we reach net zero emissions whilst protecting and potentially even improving biodiversity and agriculture?
  • What more should governments, businesses, communities, and households do? And should they work together better? How?

Mobilisation report documents

The following documents are relevant to the interim results

  • Mobilisation launch event presentation, presented on Wednesday 12 July 2023.
  • Mobilisation report, the complete report.

Download Mobilisation launch event presentationDownload Full mobilisation report

Watch a recording of the Mobilisation launch event

You may also be interested in our final modelling results.
